Historically, and even in the present day, women have been and are largely excluded from politics and civic participation. This has led to women lacking representation in our government and other types of leadership positions and positions of power, which has led to women’s voices largely being ignored and left out of important decision-making conversations and discussions. That’s why we at Ayada Leads have made it our mission to help women get more involved in politics and more engaged in civic life. Here are some of the many ways that we help women to get more involved in politics and civic life: Political Organizations Twin Cities MN
Engaged Citizens Program:
At Ayada Leads, we believe that a democracy can only function well when all of its citizens’ voices are heard and are valued in the decision-making process. Yet, for women, and particularly women of color, that hasn’t been the case. That’s why we’ve started the Engaged Citizens Program (ECP). ECP helps to provide program participants, most of whom are African Diaspora women, with the knowledge and skills needed in order to be able to actively participate in civic affairs and be a part of the decision-making in their city, state, and country. Our ECP touches up the following topics: Public Policy and Framing, Organizing Skills, Walid (Parent) Leadership, and Voter Education & Civic Literacy Training.
Future Leaders in the Making:
Part of the reason why there aren’t many girls and women in leadership positions is because girls and women oftentimes aren’t given the resources and guidance in order to become leaders in the first place. That’s why our Future Leaders in the Making training series aims to inspire girls and young women so that they can become confident leaders. Our Future Leaders in the Making program is designed for girls and women ages 14-25. The way our program is designed is such: the young girls and women participants are paired with mentors from their community who will help them identify their purpose and create attainable goals. Our Future Leaders in the Making program covers topics such as: Advocacy Efforts, Education: Pathways to Success, Building Confidence & Overcoming Self-Doubt, How to Identify Harmful Behaviors and Abuse, Communication Skills, and Financial Literacy.
Ayada Political Campaign Training:
Lastly, for women who want to make their voices heard and play a more active role in their communities, or who want to be able to sit at the decision-making table in their community, city, state, or country, we offer our Ayada Political Campaign Training program. Our Ayada Political Campaign Training is a rigorous, comprehensive training that will help to educate and guide participants throughout every step of the political campaign process. Campaigning for public office is difficult, exhausting work, especially if you aren’t exactly sure how to run a successful campaign for public office. However, our program will help you launch your campaign so that you will have all the tools you need in order to be successful as a political candidate. Our training covers: Campaign Strategy, Message Development, Communications, Fundraising & Budgeting, and Networking.
To learn more about how to get involved in politics, run for office, or simply to become more civically-engaged, feel free to contact your local civic leadership nonprofit organization in Minneapolis-St Paul MN, Ayada Leads, today!
Ayada Leads:
If you’re interested in learning more about politics and civic engagement, or are thinking about running for political office, feel free to contact us today, or click here for more information about the programs and events we offer.